Lenten practice for missionary children from St Josephine Bakhita – Tanzania / Pratica quaresimale per i bambini missionari della parrocchia S. Giuseppina Bakhita – Tanzania

Lenten practice for missionary children from St Josephine Bakhita – Tanzania / Pratica quaresimale per i bambini missionari della parrocchia S. Giuseppina Bakhita – Tanzania

Lenten practice for missionary children from St Josephine Bakhita – njiro – korona parish – tanzania It was on Palm Sunday, 2nd April 2023, God granted us the chance together with the Missionary Children in our Parish of St Josephine Bakhita Njiro Korona to...

“Remain In My Love” Jo. 15:9

[cmsmasters_row][cmsmasters_column data_width=”1/1″][cmsmasters_text] That quotation of the Gospel of St. John, was the Motto of the first vows and the perpetual vows of our dear sisters from NEA province for this year. It was a surprise that they choose...