Walk with us


“Come and see” (Jn 1:39)

The pre-novitiate is a period of preparation for the novitiate, it is a time of human-spiritual growth, of genuine search for God’s plan in one’s life, comparing it with the Canossian charism in the form of religious life.

The formative itinerary of the pre-novitiate is offered to the young woman who wishes to follow Jesus more closely and live for his Kingdom in our Religious Family. Attracted by our lifestyle and sensitive to the needs of others, she actively participates in the life of the Church, choosing to experience it within an apostolic community.


“I will draw her to me, I will lead her into the wilderness and speak to her heart.” (Hosea 2:16)

The novitiate is the time to deepen, cement and integrate the traits of the Canossian charism, taking on a joyful path in following Christ Crucified with the guidance of Mary, Mother of Charity at the foot of the Cross.

The young woman is guided in the discovery and in beginning to build with greater strength the fundamental values of the Canossian consecrated life, so that each one may come to live them with love and fidelity.


It is the period of temporary profession (renewed annually) in which the Sister is called to internalize, integrate the values learned in the previous phases and to verify her aptitude to live fully the life and mission of the Institute. She is committed to making her own the Canossian charism and preparing for perpetual profession. (RoL. 72)


Ongoing formation embraces and involves the entire life of each Canossian Sister, from perpetual profession to the definitive encounter with the Lord. It requires that each one be in a continuous process of research, revision, prayer and discernment so that integral growth can progressively take place, in openness to the newness of God in our lives.


Canossian Spirituality

How we live

Walk with us

Our history

In the footsteps of Magdalene