Everyone at school

Sotouboua (Togo)


Education and training


Sotouboua (Togo)


Jan – Dec 2025

Support requested

€ 171,150


  • 85.6% 85.6%

€ 146,500 collected

€ 24,650 to be collected

Summary of the initiative

In the city of Sotouboua and the 40 surrounding villages, there are only 2 official nursery schools. To make up for the serious lack of this type of educational structure, improvised nursery schools were created, started by some parents, in order to look after their children while their parents went to the fields to work or for other activities and not abandon them in the huts or on the streets. These structures are often made of sheet metal or improvised structures. Among these there is also the hut that they would like to transform into a real nursery school. Currently the structure is extremely temporary, dangerous, without adequate toilet facilities, managed by 2 untrained mothers who actually perform a simple child-minding service. The new Nursery School “S. Maddalena di Canossa” will allow boys and girls to benefit from an educational environment from a very early age that encourages them to continue with primary schooling, also favouring the education of older brothers and sisters who will no longer have to take care of them. They will also be guaranteed a meal a day and health care.


Find out more

045 597653


Tutti a scuola Togo_Erog. Liberale