Timor Leste

Brief history of the Province

The Canossian mission in East Timor began in 1879.

The Democratic Republic of East Timor is a country in Maritime Southeast Asia. It comprises the eastern half of the island of Timor, the neighbouring islands of Atauro and Jaco, and Oecusse, an exclave in the north-western part of the island surrounded by Indonesian West Timor. Australia is the country’s southern neighbour, separated by the Timor Sea. The country has a land area of ​​approximately 15,007 km².

Of the 13 Timorese provinces, the Canossian Sisters are present in 10 provinces and in 3 dioceses:
Dili: 8 communities – 74 Sisters
Baucau: 6 communities – 37 Sisters
Maliana: 4 communities – 19 Sisters

The Sisters physically present in the Province (as of September 30, 2019) are 134 divided into age groups as follows:
– Blue: 3
– Lilac: 7
– Yellow: 12
– Pink: 41
– Orange: 44
– Green: 17
– White: 24

Sisters of Perpetual Profession are 124.
Junior Sisters: 17.
Ad-Gentes: 5
Temporary service: 11

Types of communities:
– Regular: 11 communities
– Large: 3 communities
– Medium: 4 communities
– Total: 18 communities

The main ministries of the Canossian Sisters in East Timor are:
– Education (formal and non-formal)
– Evangelization
– Pastoral care of the sick.


M. Erminia and Mother Celeste: martyrs for love

M. Erminia and Mother Celeste: martyrs for love

Today marks the 25th Anniversary of the MARTYRDOM of our Canossian Sisters, M. Erminia Cazzaniga and M. Celeste Carvalho, killed in East Timor in 1999. Their testimony has left an indelible mark on our Institute and invites us to believe that Love conquers death and...
