
Brief history of the Province

The Province of “Nossa Senhora Aparecida” is located in Brazil – Latin America. According to statistical data from the IBGE1 (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), Brazil has a surface area of ​​8,510,820,623 km² and an estimated population of 203,080,756 people. The majority of the population is brown: 92,083,286; white: 88,252,121; black: 20,656,458; yellow: 850,130 and also has indigenous people: 1,227,642. If we consider the population of the ‘quilombola’ communities (which are characterized as spaces of resistance to slavery and valorisation of African and Afro-Brazilian culture), women outnumber men. The illiteracy rate over 15 years is 5.4%; the infant mortality rate is still 11.20 per thousand children born. The majority of the population declares itself to be: evangelical 61%; Catholic 49% and 25% without any religion; in addition, there are those who identify with other confessions, especially young people between the ages of 16 and 24.

The Canossian Sisters have been present in Brazil for 76 years (1948). The Province is made up of 7 communities: 3 in the State of São Paulo (2 in Araras, 1 in Campinas), 1 in Rio de Janeiro, (Piabetá), 1 in Maranhão (Imperatriz), 1 in Minas Gerais (Almenara), 1 in Santa Catarina (Joinville). Brazil has 26 States and a Federal District. The Sisters are therefore present in five of these States.

The Province of Brazil today has 41 Sisters: 39 of perpetual vows; 2 Juniors, 1 Pre-Novice and 1 Aspirant. The current Provincial Superior is Sr. Manoela Pereira Nunes.

We are active in the three Ministries of Charity: 9 Sisters work in Education, 12 in Evangelization and 6 in Assistance to those who suffer. Some are not active in the Ministries because of their fragile health or because they are at home assisting elderly parents. (1 sister at home and 1 exclaustrated).

In the Province we have two legal entities, while we continue to monitor them for a full reconfiguration: the Association Maddalena di Canossa, which has been operating for 66 years (AMC) with headquarters in Araras – SP; it is renewing itself and trying to give a more Canossian physiognomy to be able to continue to offer education, especially the formation of the heart. There is also the Bakhita Philanthropic Association of Infant Education (without activity) in Joinville – S. Caterina.

Some of the strengths of the Province are the work of the Sisters with the laity and their presence among the people; the ongoing formation offered to all the Sisters, the specific ongoing formation for the Superiors following in-depth programme on the Resolutions of the General Chapter (Interculturality, Government and Formation).

The commitment of all the Sisters is strong in making Jesus Christ known and loved, trying to take concrete steps so that each Ministry completes the other when we think of the person in his totality of being.

We continue to try and overcome challenges by welcoming, as a Gift of God, the proposal of meetings with the Canossian Family (lay people, priests and Sisters) to undertake a joint collaboration in Youth and Vocation Ministry in the future.

We trust in the Heart of Our Lady of Aparecida and in the intercession of our M. Foundress, so that we may continue to bear witness to the great love of God for his people.



Missionary testimony: m. Marisa Budal Arins

Missionary testimony: m. Marisa Budal Arins

I am Sister Marisa Budal Arins, Brazilian. I am going to share with you how my missionary vocation was born. My desire to be a missionary began in the novitiate, but it became stronger during my time in the juniorate. Deepening my knowledge of the life of our Mother...

Brazil: Family celebration

Brazil: Family celebration

On Friday 20th September, at the Monsignor Quércia-Canossianas College, in the city of Araras-BR, the family celebration was held with the theme: “Light up life: 250 years since the birth of Saint Magdalene of Canossa”. The children of the nursery school and primary...