(A short reflection on the work of the 3rd Ministry Care  of the Sick)

By : Sr. Elisabet Hilda,FdCC

One of the works of charity that St. Magdalene of Canossa bequeathed to her daughters was the pastoral care of the sick. This ministry is among the three main ministries of the Canossian institute.

In the Province of Divine Mercy(Indonesia), there is a clinic devoted to the sick especially those from low economic backgrounds. It is St. Bakhita Clinic in Nurobo-NTT. Besides this Clinic, the sisters also serve in the Betang Pambelum-Palangka Raya Hospital. Betang Pambelum Hospital (Dayak language, translated into Indonesian means : House of Life), is one of the hospitals owned by the Diocese of Palangka Raya.

In 2018, the Diocese requested for the Canossian Sisters to serve in this hospital together with some sisters from several other Congregations. Initially there were 3 sisters serving in this hospital. Presently, there are two sisters, Sr. Matrona and Sr. Yohana Haki. Both are midwives.

Here is a short excerpt of the interview with Sr. Matrona.

Q: How long have you been serving at Betang Pambelum Hospital?
A: Only four months.

Q: During the four months of working in this hospital, what are the ups and downs?
A: Everything is there, there are joys and sorrows but the joys are more. I believe that God sent me to this place to meet the many people, especially those who are sick and their families.

Q: What makes you strong enough to serve in this hospital?
A: Jesus Himself. He sent me to this place. He is also the one who strengthens me. I truly believe He chose to send me to this place to find His face in the sick and suffering.

Q: What advice or words from St .Magdalene of Canossa inspire you to serve?
A: God alone. Everything is for God alone.

Magdalene was a Loving carer of the sick. Even in her palace, she took care of the sick and elderly members of her family. Caring for the sick is a call to find the face of God in the faces of the weary, the suffering, and the fragile. Illness can lead people to lose hope, but for some, it is a blessing to experience a small part of Jesus’ suffering.

As Canossians, we are called to touch the faces of those who have lost hope because of illness, helping them to realize and unite their pain with the suffering of Christ. This encounter can  give them new hope, and make them realize that Jesus is also present in their suffering.

Care of the sick is not only the task of our nursing sisters working in hospitals. It is our responsibility and vocation of every Canossian to be a loving carer.  Our Mother Foundress has passed on this mission to us. So it is our privilege and duty to continue her dream whether it be at the Betang Pambelum, House of Life, or our informal visits to the sick in hospitals or in their homes in the village.

May our heart as a Canossian, become a womb that gives birth to new life for those who are sick both physically and spiritually. Make our hearts and our hands become a channel for Christ’s life to reach out to all in need.

May each Canosssian heart be Betang Pambelum  a House of  Life.

Mattew,20: 40

‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’