Next November 24 is the solemnity of Christ the King of the Universe. As desired by Pope Francis, for some years now, World Youth Day has been celebrated in the dioceses on this solemnity. This year, it is the 39th WYD and the guiding thread will be verse 40 of the Book of the prophet Isaiah: “Those who hope in the Lord will run and do not grow weary”. The theme of hope follows that of the Jubilee.
In his message, Francis defines hope:
“Hope is truly a new strength, which God instills in us, which allows us to persevere in the race, which gives us a “long-term view” that goes beyond the difficulties of the present and directs us toward a certain goal: communion with God and the fullness of eternal life”. Then he invites young people: “set out on a journey, to discover life, on the trail of love, in search of the face of God. But what I recommend to you is this: set out on a journey not as mere tourists, but as pilgrims”. He concludes with a concrete proposal for life: “Each of you should give “even just a smile, a gesture of friendship, a fraternal look, a sincere listening, a free service, knowing that, in the Spirit of Jesus, this can become for those who receive it a fruitful seed of hope” (ibid., 18), and thus become tireless missionaries of joy”.