In the past few days, the annual retreat of the Brazilian Canossian Family was held in Araras/SP, at the Emaús House of the Canossian Fathers: 70 people participated, including Canossian Sisters, Brothers, Fathers and Laity from various cities in Brazil.

The general theme of this meeting was to reflect on: ILLUMINATING THE CHARISM OF CHARITY IN US: “IT IS ALL THE BEST” [LOVE WITHOUT MEASURE]: Charity as the fire of Love that sets fire to our lives and expands to all those we meet.

We began with the “Grateful Memory”, carried out in two moments: initially we had to think about the manifestations of God in our lives, in our history; Next, visualize this memory through drawing, writing, and symbol. Everyone has found their way!

We are in the third year of a vocational journey whose theme is “VOCATION: Grace and Mission”. We understand that we are called to Love, because “God is Love” (1 John 4:8). Before He came to light, God thought of us, willed us, and knew us (Jer 1:5); we are His and infinitely loved by Him (Isa. 43:1-4). God continues to call us to life from within our stories, to be able to love. We feel attracted by this profound identity of Love, which we originally have and imprinted within us.

Plunging into the “heart of Magdalene” through the Memoirs, as the source of the “Memories” that she herself wrote, we delve into the 5 experiences that contributed to the formation of the Canossian charism: Active Charity, Apostolic Charity, Universal Charity, Divine Glory and Inspice et Fac.

Then the passage from St. Magdalene to us: our call to life takes shape and is configured in a certain “way”, inspired by the Spirit, and is fulfilled in proclaiming the Love of the Father revealed in Jesus Crucified. Let us welcome within ourselves this journey that St Magdalene of Canossa received in humility and that shapes everything in us: the charism of Charity.

Grateful for the gift of the mission Ad Gentes that we have accepted, we feel that we have had a profound experience of the encounter with “It is the most” [the Greatest Love]; let us set out again with an ardent heart to live this Charism with people, in our everyday realities.