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Malawi – Applicative phase of the Chapter
Our Lady of Hope Delegation, Partial Assembly
19-22 January 2023

The 19th January 2023 was the day we commenced the Chapter Assembly for Malawi Delegation, Our Lady of Hope.

For the first time, the Delegation launched into four days of work, guided by the Holy Spirit, to bring the General Chapter Resolutions home, to journey with the whole Congregation while translating it for our reality and making it our own.

Ten Sisters, representing our five communities, came together guided by our Delegation Superior, Sr Kalinga Dafrosa, and started with enthusiasm the process of preparing Statutes and Resolutions for the Delegation.

One big candle, representing Christ, and five small candles, symbol of our communities, were brought during the opening prayer and burned throughout the days, the constant presence of God and our Sisters. The Bible that was placed and kept among the candle was a strong reminder of our being called to be Women of the Word, like Mary.

Some of us were at the first experience of a chapter. We felt honored and trusted by God and by our Sisters, and the uncertainties and fears of “not knowing what it is” vanished when we entered smoothly into the process with the whole assembly, guided by the experience of others.

We strongly felt God’s guidance and grace, and the accompaniment of the Holy Spirit. They have been days of blessing, lived in an atmosphere of discernment and prayer, days of work and of grace, actively and generously participated by all.

In the evening of 22nd January 2023, at the conclusion of the works, our Delegation Superior officially closed the Applicative phase of the Chapter. We spent the evening together, in gratitude to God and to one another.

We returned to our communities, carrying and relishing in our hearts the gift of these days, the energy of the Charism we experienced, the growth that took place in us and in our Delegation, and the greater awareness of what is entrusted to us today: to be Women of the Word who love without measure, who reconfigure themselves to a life of holiness, in them and for the mission.

And for this grace we pray through the intercession of Mary, Woman of the Word, St. Magdalene, our Mother, and St. Bakhita our Sister


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