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The Canossian missions in Singapore started with the arrival of 4 young Sisters from Macau, at the invitation of the Bishop Medeiros, the Bishop of Macau, who was in charge of the Portuguese Mission in Singapore. Arriving on 11th December 1894, they took over the running of St Anthony’s Girls School, originally started by the Portuguese Mission in 1879. This gave rise to the Sisters being called “Portuguese Nuns” and St. Anthony’s being known as “Portuguese Convent”.
The video depicts the time-line and milestones of the Canossians in Singapore, spanning 125 years. It hopes to bring out the courage and zeal of our pioneer missionaries who faced a country and culture so different from their own, braving a rife of gangsterism, secret societies, riots and poverty. Forty years later, as Rome was celebrating the Beatification of Our Mother Foundress, Singapore was caught up in a war. Sisters struggled to keep hundreds of orphans safe and fed; Italian Sisters were house-arrested, Sisters and orphans were exiled to Bahau, a no-man land, surviving on snails and tapioca, and yet in all these pain and difficulties, they were strong in their trust in God and their vocation to make Jesus known.
After the war, as the country progressed, ministries change, following the advice of our Foundress, to “walk with the times” but the mission of “Making Jesus known and loved” remains. One hundred years after our Macau missionaries set foot on Singapore soil, our Singapore Sisters set foot on Myanmar soil…to make Jesus known…in the charism of the Canossian Daughters of Charity.
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