Argentina – Paraguay
Brief history of the Province
Province of Our Lady of Luján – Argentina
The Province is formed by two neighbouring nations of Latin America: Argentina and Paraguay. It bears the name of “Nuestra Señora de Luján”, patroness of Argentina, where the first Canossian Missionaries arrived in 1932. Currently the charism continues to be fruitful in our nine communities in Argentina and two in Paraguay.
In the footsteps of Saint Magdalene, today
Our Province is made up of 49 sisters, of whom 3 are Juniors. Moved by the Spirit and united by the same Charism, we live together to announce and bear witness to God’s love for every person. Our lifestyle is simple, joyful and fraternal, so as to be and become increasingly credible witnesses of evangelical fraternity.
We announce Jesus through the five ministries of Charity, with dynamic and creative fidelity. The most widespread is the First Ministry: there are seven schools with different levels of formation and a vocational training centre. In all these institutions, lay people and Sisters integrate into a single mission: “FORMATION OF THE HEART”. In Paraguay there is the Casa de la Joven, Kuñataí Rogá, dedicated to non-formal education. This is a place where young people from the interior of the country can work and complete their studies. With love and respect, they are guided to discover and realize God’s plan in their lives, a challenge for the promotion of women.
In all our communities we try to realize the desire of Saint Magdalene to “make Jesus known and loved” through the Second Ministry: Evangelization. We are present in parishes, chapels, recreational centres, youth missions and volunteer activities. Every year the Canossian Youth Meeting, “MAS”, is held, which brings together young people from all the communities of the Province, and the Canossian Pre-Youth Meeting, “SUMATE”.
The Third Ministry is present through the care for life, health and the integral promotion of the person. We are present in a hospital, a health centre and two retirement homes for the elderly. Some communities dedicate themselves directly to the sick and their families, while others express this aspect with their closeness to those who suffer and through various inter-ministerial actions.
The Fourth Ministry manifests itself transversally to the others, sharing special moments of formation during the year, while the Fifth Ministry organizes spiritual retreats for adults twice a year, divided into zones: North, Centre and South.
With the certainty that the Charism of Charity, given by the Spirit to Saint Magdalene, is a gift to the Church and is also expressed in the laity. The Association of Lay Canossians is present, with groups of lay people in every place where religious communities are found.
From 1932 to today, this small portion of the Institute offers itself generously every day to express the love of God through the proclamation of His Gospel and the promotion and care of those brothers and sisters most in need.
Sito Web:
Renewal of promises of the lay canossians
In this month of December, in the City of Berisso (Province of Buenos Aires), in the Parish of Mary Help of Christians, the groups of Los Hornos (Susana, Dolores, Marcela, Karina, María Laura, Liliana) and Berisso (Lorena, Adriana, Bibiana, Héctor) renewed their...
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For the world: missionary witness
I am grateful for this beautiful opportunity to honour the memory of so many Sisters who have formed my heart as a Daughter of Charity, Servant of the Poor. Attracted by a call beyond the "known", with courage and trust they embarked without looking back, in a...