Applicative chapter 6th march 2023 to 12th march 2023.
It is the last but not the least of the province to celebrate its provincial applicative chapter. The Queen of apostles Province of North East Africa begun its applicative chapter on 6th March 2023 which is set to end on 12th March 2023. Gathered on behalf of all the sisters of the Province we beseech God the Father of all the pilgrims to be with us like the pillar of cloud in the day, and a burning fire in the night to guide us in all the activities of these days so that we may remain true to our Charism and the needs of our times. We ask the intercession of all the sisters and that of our mother foundress that the Lord may rekindle the dead coals within us and help us to reconfigure our life through the contemplation of the word and the greatest love. May our hearts be set on fire with love so as to love without measure.
“Pope Francis would say that the Chapter is “a protected space in which the Holy Spirit can work.” It is the place of personal and choral obedience to Him. So let us allow the Spirit to be the true protagonist (the central character) of these days. We enter this Upper Room together with Mary, unanimous and concordant in prayer, invoking with her, one in heart and soul, the fire of the Spirit so that He might design in us the features of Christ and fill our lives with passion, courage and wisdom”. (M. Provincial opening address)
Called to widen the tents of our hearts, stretch the curtains, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes. Is. 54:2