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On the 67th anniversary of Venerable Mother Fernanda Riva’s demise, a Holy Eucharist was conducted in honor of her revered life at Mother Fernanda Riva Chapel, St. Joseph’s Convent, Alappuzha, Kerela. The preparations for the Mass were undertaken by the staff and students of St. Joseph’s College for Women, Alappuzha under the leadership of the Postgraduate Department od English. The mass was well attended by members of the congregation, faculty members, administrative staff and students of St. Joseph’s College for Women, Alappuzha, Rev. Sr. Philomena Puthenpura, the Manager and Dr. Rita Latha D’Couto, the principal, were among the chief attendees.
After an entrance procession by the students of the college and an introductory note by Ms. Manju Thomas, Assistant Professor of English, the mass began on a solemn note. Rev. Fr. Jobin Joseph Panackal, Assistant Director of St. Antony’s Press, presided over the Eucharistic celebration and recounted the blissful experience he had on the occasion of the interment of Mother Fernanda Riva’s remains. During his sermon, Fr. Jobin recalled how he had heard a divine voice within him amidst the sacred ceremony that also made a miraculous intervention in his life during a moment of deep crisis. This resounding voice in his heart consistently uttered the term, “holiness”. He also shared the deep impact that that phrase, “God Alone” had made in his personal life as the very idea of serene restfulness in the Almighty inspired him to overcome the turbulences that life threw at him. He insisted that the phrase “God Alone”, that is inscribed on Venerable Mother Fernanda Riva’s tomb, is therefore, a simple, yet powerful invocation to God who alone would be the ultimate succor. He remarked on the essentiality of celebrating the life of Mother Fernanda Riva whose intercession would be a strong source of protection. He stated that it would be a source of jubilation for the Canossian family if Mother Fernanda Riva’s canonization becomes a reality.
Ms. Geethu Amar, the Head of the Department of English offered her gratitude to the celebrant, Rev. Fr. Jobin Joseph, members of the congregation, the managers, principal, faculty members, administrative staff, students, and the choir for their active participation. The mass concluded in a pious vein with a prayer to the Venerable Mother Fernanda Riva led by Rev. Sr. Ligy Jose, the coordinator of the Holy Mass.
Sr. Rita Latha D’Couto, Principal, St. Joseph’s College for Woman – Alappuzha
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