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Year 2021. The Canossian Sisters of Nurobo, Malaka, West Timor, Indonesia have noticed the increasing number of children idly wandering through the roads. Many started to involve in stealing fruits, scraps of things, and using vulgar language. Others join their mothers who engage in gambling and rarely go to the Church on Sundays. The Sisters became worried of the plight of these children and they started to organize simple gatherings within the convent backyard. Two Junior Sisters, Sr. Beatrix Fransisco (who is now a missionary in Japan) and Sr. Irenia Yuniati Tikneon (who is now studying in Jogjakarta, Indonesia) took the initiatives to gather the children and catechize them through stories, songs, games and dances. The group was called Friends of Jesus (Sahabat Yesus) who would gather during 4th Sunday of the month. They were also given simple snacks to their delight. But after several months when there was an increase of Covid-19 transmission within the locality, the children’s gatherings were postponed. The two Sisters received new mandates but the children kept asking when to resume the activities of the Friends of Jesus.
On 4th December 2022, this group of children heed the call to revive the catechetical gatherings. Some other Sisters took charge and re-organized the group. Parents from other neighboring areas requested the Sisters that their children be included in the group. Some members of the Parish Council of Our Lady of Fatima, Nurobo Parish also requested that the activities be conducted in the church and expand it as a Sunday School gathering. The pandemic has closed even the Sunday children’s catechesis and the Friends of Jesus group paved the way for the Sunday School to be re-born. From the initial 75 members of the Friends of Jesus, the Sunday School now has 210 children attending the catechesis. The Spirit moves and lingers on the hearts of the children!
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