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That quotation of the Gospel of St. John, was the Motto of the first vows and the perpetual vows of our dear sisters from NEA province for this year. It was a surprise that they choose the same quotation, but we believe it was God’s Will to each one of them.

On the Solemnity of Our Lady of Sorrow, the Patroness of the Institute of the Canossian Daughter of Charity. Our Lady of sorrows who became Mother of Charity at the Foot of the Cross, is considered by St. Magdalene of Canossa as the TRUE MOTHER and FOUNDRESS of the Institute of the Sons and Daughters of Charity, born of her at the foot of the Cross. The Institute is dedicated to “Our Divine Redeemer Jesus Crucified, who is in His great Love for man gave His life on the Cross and to Mary Queen of Martyrs.” The sacrifice of Christ and the sorrows of Mary are constantly referred to in the prayer and life of the Institute, called as it is to “bud forth on Calvary between Jesus Crucified and Our Lady of Sorrows”, to be aflame and spread throughout the world, while remaining “in the humility and obscurity of the Cross.” We pray in this mass that through the ntercession of Mother Mary of Sorrows, we may live our life as a true Christian, witnesses the Love and Mercy of God in the midst of our brothers and sisters in the world of today.

This celebration has marked an important event in the life of our five Sisters: Sr. Benjamin (from Togo), Sr. Maria (from Tanzania), Sr. Purity (from Kenya), Sr. Ernestina (from Tanzania) and Sr. Perepetwa (from Uganda)  as they were professed to the Lord their “YES” for the first time. God has given them the courage and perseverance until the moment to answer His Call with joy and hope. May they imitate the example of Mother Mary, to stay under the Cross with whole heartedly and to be an instrument to our brothers and sisters to help them to Know and Love Jesus.

While the other 3 sisters went back to their respective countries for their first profession, they were: Sr. Julia from Angola, Sr. Luzia from Angola and Sr. Fadzila from Congo. It was a joyful day to have new members in our religious family.

The Perpetual Profession of Sr. Victoria Mwongeli Sunza was taken place at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish- Adams Area Nairobi- Kenya on 19th of November 2022. She is from Kenya, Machakos District.  She choose the same motto for her Perpetual “YES” to God Alone: “ABIDE IN MY LOVE” Jo. 15:9.

Her tertianship preparation was done in Tanzania and Kenya together with Sr. Caroline and Sr. Josephine. Different formation was given by our Sisters and other formatters from outside.

During the Eucharistic Celebration, the Emerita John Cardinal Njue appreciated very much the parents for encouraging and allowing their daughter to be a religious. She has been in her Junior formation for 7 years, so that 7 years of life as Canossian Religious woman has contribute a lot for her to grow in her commitment to say ‘YES” forever in this Religious family.


Sr. Tessy and Sr. Victoria, are the last born in the family, both are born on

the month of February and both made their final vows on 19th November.

What a coincidence in life. God bless both of them and pray that they may

live their  “FIAT” in Holiness forever.

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