This logo was chosen to interpret the theme of the 17th General Chapter and fortunately, it has survived all the various, surprising, and unexpected announcements of continuous changes of dates. Naturally, we are all united in agreeing that it is “Covid 19” which is responsible for all the delays.
So now the Logo, with its simple graphics, faithfully reappears. It is a symbolic emblem of this great, long-awaited international event scheduled for August 2022, which will see the representatives of the 22 Canossian Provinces/Delegations gathered in Octavia, Rome.
The Logo takes its shape from the awareness of our need for a sense of “belonging” to the Canossian Family and the desire/mission to transmit it to others.
The composition of the logo is not a proposal of rigid tasks to be carried out and consequent decisions to be made. The various parts that compose it are an invitation and guide for a journey together, animated by the proclamation of the Word, in fidelity to the gift entrusted to us, even though the creativity of our proclamation will result in varied contexts and modalities. It is a call and a reminder that can be summed up with such terms as “form, style, institutional structure etc.”
The components of the Logo are clear captions to help us to deepen the meaning and to simplify an immediate and easy reading which can be translated into the reality which comes to meet us in every time.
“WOMEN of the Word Loving Without Measure”: a mantra, a spiritual formula that clearly expresses a way of life.
“The book of the Word of God”: a voice that celebrates, proclaims and penetrates like rain on fertile ground. It listens and becomes an echo with a new language: a message for all
“The flower”: wings outstretched in an embrace towards that ray of light that warms and gives affection, security, encouragement for a change of course towards radical choices.It is the profile of a consecrated woman, attracted by Christ, alive and protagonist in the Church, who knows how to read the hardships and expectations of our time and, overcoming rigidity and distractions, gets involved to tread the furrows traced by the Word.
“The world”: represents all of us and the multitude of people who give life to our encounters, especially the “beloved poor”. A ray of light spreads over this world, it is the Spirit who colors the intertwining of peoples with the love of the Father. It is the warmth that breaks down barriers, and overcomes obstacles, animating this land of ours with new energy to grow in peace and hope.
The Logo thus translates into a proposal for a journey, a call to regain closeness with the Christ of the New Easter, to dust off and reclaim the true meaning of gratuitousness for what we have received: the “Canossian Charism”.Dreams, reality, determination, openness, and much more are the subtle voices that the Logo whispers to us so that we may overcome the risk of being trapped in a life pre-established by forms, rules … for courage that pushes us forward, like a river, towards new explorations; appointments in life that we cannot avoid.It is beautiful to imagine the Logo wrapped in the light of Easter and to find it among the flowers of a special garden, the garden of the encounter with Jesus who transforms everything and illuminates everything: the garden of the Resurrection, of healing.
“The Wish”: The Spirit is the true protagonist of our Logo, we entrust him with the guidance and direction of our future steps.What must involve and excite us most is the thought that the capitular event is an event that concerns each one of us.