Rome 8 may 2022
“Therefore, take courage to walk the ways of the Lord. Remember that the Daughters of Charity must have a heart capable of loving very much” (Magdalene)
Dearest Sisters,
Today we celebrate the feast of our Foundress, a family feast that unites us as Daughters, Sons, Sisters and Brothers around our Mother. We are animated by the same charism, the same spirituality, and the missionary impulse that she transmitted to us.
Our fraternal agape on this feast day, may have the Eucharistic table as its center. Let us find ourselves in Christ, in His redemptive love, in which every distance is overcome, and communion is re-established that makes us feel the joy of being Sisters:”one thing in Christ.” (Jn 17:21)
We are in the Easter season and, “after having had the experience of the Risen One, let us share it with others” make known his mercy that saves and the joy of the Redemption that gives life.
At this time in which we are following closely the painful events of the war in Europe and in many other Nations of the world, I take this opportunity to invite each one personally and as a community to intensify the prayers of supplication for peace.
Magdalene invites us to trust, to abandonment, to the certainty that God guides us and leads all events: “why do you not leave him to take care of everything, inside and outside of you…?” (To D. Faccioli) May our contribution to peacemaking be a renewed commitment to live the call to holiness and to intensify listening and dialogue in order to be builders of peace.
With the Councilors, I wish you all HAPPY FEAST!
Magdalene, our Mother, bless us.